
Debate Analysis

So, the TeeVee pundits thought it was even. The American people, those with brains, eyes and votes, think I won. Hmm. I wonder who's right?
40% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner. 22% thought John McCain won. 38% saw it as a draw.

68% of these voters think Obama would make the right decision
about the economy. 41% think McCain would.

49% of these voters think Obama would make the right decisions about Iraq. 55% think McCain would.

Yikes. Pssst... John.... looks like you're fucked. This was your homefield subject and you got bum-rushed. All day long, old man. All day long.

The Big Smackdown: First Debate

Spanked that ass... spanked that ass... SPANKED THAT ASS.


Prepping for the Debate

Yo, young ones, I am busy prepping for the debate with the Mummy, or as I like to call it The Big Smackdown. Am I confident? Hell, I've aready ordered a dozen T-Shirts that say "Quit Shouting, Old Man. That Thing in Front of You is Called a Microphone" for my staff of Obamanaughts.

I'm going to rip Mr. McAngry Pants a new asshole.


Uh Oh, Someone is Out of Touch

I wonder if he's said this before? Hmm... If only there was some way, like video or something, to track this. Oh wait...

The Economy is Crumbling

Uh oh, the barbarians are at the gate and they are looking for blood.

From the WSJ:
The American financial system was shaken to its core on Sunday. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection, and Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed to be sold to Bank of America Corp.

The U.S. government, which bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a week ago and orchestrated the sale of Bear Stearns Cos. to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. in March, played much tougher with Lehman. It refused to provide a financial backstop to potential buyers. Without such support, Barclays PLC and Bank of America, the two most interested buyers, walked away. Barclays said Monday it pulled out of the potential deal after deciding it wasn't in the best interest of shareholders.
Eight years of Rethuglican rule is coming apart. This is going to get uglier before it gets better.


Obama on MSNBC

Don't forget to check out O tonight on Keith Olbermann's Countdown at 8 pm EST. Also, be sure to stay on the dial for Rachel Maddow's new tip. She's seriously down with O.

Yeah, I Finally Called Them Out on the Lies

Me in Flint, Michigan today. Just starting to get tired of their lying bullshit.


It's Okay As Long As You Are a Republican

Jesus, is this man really the only one in the media who sees through this shit? What does that say about the state of reporting in America? It frightens the complete hell out of me, yo.


Remember, This Election is Not About Issues

"This election is not about issues. This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates." -Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain

My statement, released today, regarding the Old Party convention thus far:

You wouldn't know that this is such a critical election by watching the convention last night. I know we had our week. And the Republicans deserve theirs. But it's been amazing for me to watch over the last two nights. If you sit there, and you watch it. You're hearing a lot about John McCain, and he's got a compelling biography as a P.O.W.

You're hearing an awful lot about me. Most of which is not true.

What you're not hearing is a lot about you.

You haven't heard one word about how they're going to make the health system work - so that when a union is negotiating with a company it's not all just a discussion about higher premiums and you guys can actually start talking about higher wages and benefits.

You haven't heard one word about how we're gonna create more apprenticeship programs like the ones we have here. Or give other people a chance to train in new trades.

You haven't heard one word about getting serious about green and alternative energy. The kind of work that is resulting in all the expansion and hiring here.

You haven't heard one word about how we're going to strengthen unions so that working people get a decent stake.

You haven't heard one word about how we're going to improve math and science education so that we can hire more engineers to create more products in green technology.

You haven't heard one word about how we're going to deal with any aspect of the economy that is affecting you and your pocket day to day.

Haven't heard one word about it. Literally. Two nights. They have not said a word about it. They have not said a word about it. They've had a lot to say about me. But they haven't had anything to say about you.

And the thing that I'm insisting on in this election is that we can't keep playing the same political games we always play.


Republican Peggy Noonan: It's Over!

Sweet Mary, mother of God, this Palin woman is the gift that just keeps on giving. I saw this on DailyKos and HuffPost, so I have to give both shout outs for posting this first.

Want to hear what powerful and respected conservative shills really think of McCain's Palin Problem? Here ya go:

Open mics are a bitch, just ask Jess. In case you can't hear them well here is a transcript:

Peggy Noonan: [Can't hear since Todd (who is still on air) is talking over her]
Mike Murphy: Um, you know, because, I come out of the blue swing state governor world. Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, I mean, and these guys, this is all how you win a Texas race, just run it up, and it's not gonna work.
Noonan: It's Over.
Murphy: Still, McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech and do himself some good.
Chuck Todd: Don’t you think the Palin pick was insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too (inaudible)
Noonan: I saw Kay this morning...
Todd: She's never looked comfortable up there..
Murphy: They're all bummed out.
Todd: I mean, is she really the most qualified woman they can obtain?
Noonan: The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives...[couldn't hear the end of it]
Todd: Yeah, but what's a narrative?
Murphy: I totally agree.
Noonan: Every time Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.
Murphy: You know what's the worst thing about it, the greatest of McCain is no cynicism, and..
Murphy and Todd together: This is cynical.
Todd: And as you called it, gimmicky.

Wow. Fucking. Wow. Can we call this game now? Really. I don't want to embarrass McCain any further and clearly he has some mental health care treatments to start. Beating up on an old man does give me a chubby, but thrashing a crazy old man? No fun there. Can't we at least get a standing eight count?

Hey, you wanna be Ambassador to France?

Update: Crooks and Liars also has this post. It's gone viral!! Since O isn't sure where this started I just wanted to spread the love. Asante sana, lefties for looking out for O. Much love to you and yours.


RNC 2008

I was going to blog a little about the RNC in the twin cities but I can't force myself to watch it. I have a weak stomach. I know that Fred "Grampa" Thompson, Judas Lieberman, and Dum W were supposed to speak tonight. I assume the basic gist of the night will be McCain-Noun-Verb-POW and Obama will eat your kids faces.

I am recording it on Tivo though. I want to see Bristol's baby's daddy. Some self-described redneck who on his MySpace page states he doesn't want kids. Fat chance now, dweeb. Too bad you didn't have a sex ed class in Podunk High. You could have tapped that ass and still been free to cruise. Now, a shotgun wedding to a girl who was just a piece of strange.

My heart goes out to a playa.

Piling on Sarah Palin

Asante sana, Seth Grahame-Smith for the 8 Reasons Sarah Palin is More Qualified than Barack Obama article in HuffPost. Much love to you and yours for making O howl with laughter.

A short, tasty morsel of his great piece:

So let's set the record straight. Sarah Pahlen (sp?) is not only more qualified for the Oval Office than Barack Obama -- she might just be the most qualified political candidate in our nation's history:

1. Putting Country First - Her membership in the Alaska Independence Party proves that she's exactly the kind of leader America needs: the kind that will always put country first -- even if that country happens to be The Republic of Alaska. Obama claims he loves America -- but has he ever loved it enough to favor seceding from it? It's called tough love, Senator. Look into it.

Please visit HuffPost to read the entire article. Rich.


Is This How McCain Makes Choices?

Yo, peeps. This Sarah Palin thing just keeps getting more and more twisted. On the real, I am thinking that the Mummy actually drew Palin's name out of a red and white striped top hat filled with five real names and one joke name to keep it interesting. Guess which one McCain drew?

Greg Sargent, of TalkingPointsMemo has a nice rundown of all the shit McCain has walked into 'cause he didn't vet 'ol girl. Please read it if you have a moment.

You can also keep an eye on Huffington Post's big Sarah Palin page. They keep it updated with the latest 411 on Sexy Sarah. The latest being that she belongs to a fringe Alaskan independence group that would like to take leave of the States.

Prayers for the Gulf Coast

Me, Misha and the girls keep everyone in the coast on our thoughts and prayers.