
The Presumptous Presumptive Candidate

Yawn. The "arrogant uppity negro who doesn't know his place" narrative continues from the Old Party. But this time a Democrat with fucking balls is finally present to handle O's business. My shorty, Rachel Maddow, was on the scene to smack the shit out of Pat Pukeanan, who I believe suffers from a small vessel rupture towards the end of the discussion.

By the way, a couple of things: 1) How is it possible that Harold Ford, Jr is less Black than I am? Damn, sell-out centrist Blue Dog bastard; and 2) Rachel Maddow is some serious hotness. She makes my loins tingle. In my alone time I do so wish that either she was straight or I was a Lesbian. Either would be fine with me. Really.

Asante sana, Rachel for standing up to old angry white bullies for O. Much love to you and yours. Really. Much love.

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