
Good and Pawlenty

Ouch. As reported by Frederic Frommer at Huffpost:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, often mentioned as a possible running mate for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said Wednesday GOP candidates would do well to adopt a positive tone like that of McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama.

"Say what you will about Barack Obama," the Minnesota Republican told a conservative group, "people gravitate when you have something positive to say." He added that McCain has been positive as well.

"People want to follow hopeful, optimistic, civil, decent leaders," Pawlenty said in a speech to GOPAC, which helps recruit Republican candidates. "They don't want to follow some negative, scornful person."

Negative and scornful? Pretty much just like McCain, in his desperation to be Prezo, has allowed his pathetic self to become. Now there's some straight talk for your ass.

Word, Tim Pawlenty. We hardly got to know you.

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