
FakeNews Channel

This one shouldn't suprise anyone with one good ear connected to a functioning brain, but FakeNews Channel announced that Gov. Mike Huckabee has joined the channel as a Political Commentator. Heh heh heh... Yet another right wing mouth piece on the channel that is the mouth piece for the Rethuglican party.

They're no better than the Communist Party's Pravda, prior to 1991.

I love this comment: "I hope to bring the unique perspective from `inside the dragon's belly' as well as to try and speak for the millions of hardworking middle-class Americans who really do feel that their voices are not being heard."

'Cause Dems, latinos and African Americans aren't real "hardworking middle-class Americans," only white Christian conservatives are on FakeNews. Jeez....

This is why the Bats will be relegated to regional significance for a generation after the O Revolution.

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