
Somewhere in the South

I gave a kick ass speech in North Carolina today. I am at the beginning of a two week offensive against the Mummy and I think I am still somewhere down south. Axe said it would be smart to stay down here and not run back to America as soon as the speech was over.

Anypop, I have been trying to figure out why I can't wipe this shit-eating grin off my face this week and I think I've figured it out. It isn't just that I beat Hill, it's that I whooped the entire DLC. You know them. They are the centrist group of Dems trying hard to act like Republibats. These pricks have taken their lead from The Slick One after he successfully triangulated core GOPee positions after Newt bum-rushed Congress in 1994.

This primary season has been a smack down of all of that cowardice shit. You win elections by contrasting your position against the other party's. Not by trying to be more like them than they are. Fucking wannabes.

This election will present a real choice. Liberal or Conservative? Change or more of the same? Tall and virile or short and Viagra laced? Alive and vibrant or barely conscious? Choose a side, homie. This is going to be quite a ride.

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