
The Press Sucks McCain Off When You Aren't Looking

The so-called liberal press has still got its lips firmly attached to the Mummy's sweaty, wrinkled sack (an image that will keep O wide awake tonight) and are still busy pushing the Old Party narrative that I am "moving to the center." His campaign doesn't need an ad budget with these punk ass lapdogs carrying his water for him.

Okay, O will try to 'splain this one more time. I am not tracking to the middle. I did not say I was changing my position on bringing the troops home. I have always said that I would listen to military leaders on how to bring them home... but the buck stop in the Oval Joint. They start coming come home when I take office. Period.

I also did not say I would filibuster the FISA bill. What I said was this, as reported by my spox:
"To be clear: Barack will support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies."
Did you hear about a filibuster being successfully mounted? No, you didn't. There wasn't the votes for it. So I voted to strip telecom immunity from the bill three times, and when that failed I voted for an imperfect bill that does give Dum W what he wants. This is not a flip-flop. It is pragmatism.
"Given the choice between voting for an improved yet imperfect bill, and losing important surveillance tools, Senator Obama chose to support"
Shit, folks, it isn't like I can veto the bill. I ain't the Prezo yet. Pump your brakes and get a grip. In a few months all of these expanded powers that Dum W and Dick Vader have carved out for themselves will be in far saner hands. Right now, I just don't need your shit.

So please stop all of this "Obama is turning his back on the left and tacking to the center" bullshit. You would know that if you hadn't first bought into the narrative that I was the most liberal senator in the Senate. Is it just a coincidence that the Sen. Kerry was also the most liberal senator when he was running too? Hmm.

If you look at Progressive scorecards I end up closer to the middle than most people think, which is why I stated that anyone who thinks I am moving to the center hasn't been paying attention. I am liberal on some issues (most) and far more moderate on others. You can see it yourself.

Now, go out and educate a so-called journalist. First, though, you'll need to pry their faces out of the Mummy's moist, stinky jockstrap.

O, out.

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