
Hot Chicks Dig Obama

I know I'm still on holiday but... the LA Times has an article about the Mummy's latest attempt at making himself a completely irrelevant laughing stock. The stunt in question is yet another ad about my celebrity status. This one is called Hot Chicks Dig Obama. LOL Really. I'm not making this up, yo.

From the Times:
Most controversially, the spot features one young woman complimenting Obama's "aura," and a second young woman singling out his "very soft eyes" for praise. And then there's a fellow saying of the 47-year-old U.S. senator and father of two who defied long odds to emerge as one of the two main contenders for the most powerful office in the world: "Hot chicks dig Obama."
I love this shit. Honestly. We are now firmly ensconced in a bizarro world of school-boy penis envy by a seriously disturbed old man running for the most powerful office on earth. Someone who cares about your Very Serious Problems so much that he spends his time and your money on joke and humor ads. Isn't there a recession going on somewhere? I forget.

Dude, this shit is off the hook! Next will come stinging insults about how my penis is only 10" long, or that my IQ is only 160, or that I only have two Grammy awards. Ouch! ROTFL!! How ridiculous can this tiny little man get? He is now like the guy who told a joke that everyone laughed at and now he can't stop himself from retelling the same joke hoping that people still like him enough to laugh again... and again... and again. Crazy, right?

Envy much? Much too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Did you see that hot chix dig blog on the story? Awesome. It's true, hot chix do dig Obama and they have the web site to prove it...
