
Net Worth Death Match: Obama vs. McCain

This just seems so much more relevant in light of current events, yes?

It seems that earlier this year a non-partisan group called the Sunlight Foundation completed an analysis of all 535 members of congress and dimed out the following 411:

As Mark Nickolas, of PoliticalBase.com, writes:
One of the clumsy arguments that the McCain camp tried to make today in hopes of slowing down the media freight train over not knowing how many homes he and his wife, Cindy, own was that Barack Obama (D) is also a rich guy who lives in a mansion himself, just like McCain. I believe the term they used was "a frickin' mansion."
Well, there's just one problem with that argument. These guys aren't even in the same class.
Asante sana, Mark for brutally shoving what should be the last stake in the heart of the Old Party narrative that O is an out of touch elitist. Much love to you and yours.

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