
Scrubbing Sarah Palin

I am not certain how much vetting of Gov. Palin took place before the announcement that the Mummy selected her as his running mate, but it seems like a lot of clean up is taking place now. I wrote earlier about how a press release from her office praising my energy plan has vanished from her site. Now comes word that a video is missing that was previously there.

This one.

Yes, that is disgraced and indicted lawmaker Sen. Ted Stevens endorsing Sexy Sarah. 

There is also the Troopergate issue hanging over her head back home. Related to this she hired a know sexual harasser to replace the guy she fired for not doing her wet work. I am not going to even get into the question of whether her last child is actually hers or that of her 16 year old daughter as is being whispered on the inter-tubes. And she, or someone in her family, allegedly scrubbed her wikipedia entry to make it sound more positive and palatable to the wingnuts.

Republicans should be more than a little nervous about this pick blowing up in their faces.

Welcome to the bigs, Sarah Palin.

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