
White Evangelicals Don't Color Between the Lines

It seems that white evangelicals will gladly sell out their brotha in faith, just proving that the takeover of white evangelical religious communities by the Rethuglicans is complete.
"A Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week found McCain collecting about 68 percent of the white evangelical vote, compared to Barack Obama's 22 percent. That number is very similar to level of support President Bush received in June 2004, when he led then Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry 65 to 30 among white evangelicals."
The Mummy hasn't seen the inside of a Church since he escaped from his unholy crypt back in the 1930s. He is a warmonger who spits at the "Thou shalt not kill" rule when polling determines he needs to sound manly instead of compassionate. He screwed around on the wife who stayed by his side and raised his kids while he was a POW, only to finally leave her for a 26 year old heiress with a firm ass while his wife suffered through recovering from auto injuries. 

Meanwhile I, a born-again Christian who has regularly attended a Christian church for the past 20 years, get no love from the fish folks. All because the man (a former US Marine) who brought me to my Awesome God, strayed from him in his later years. At least I'd like the think that's the reason (?). I have been faithfully married to the same woman for 16 years, and by all accounts am a doting and loving father to two amazing daughters. And, after college I eschewed the big money a Harvard degree summons to go a work in underprivileged urban areas for $13k a year.

Sometimes Christians can be the worst advertisement for Christianity. Fuck 'em.

On an aside, I love this comment on the WaPo site from a reader called The Oracle, in reaction to some of the more Batshit comments about me and my faith left on the site by the frantic, sweaty masses who call themselves Christians:
"I see the Obama Haters are out in full force today......Dukes of Hazzard must be off......"
Asante sana, Oracle, for crystalizing my thoughts so eloquently. Much love to you and yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Different standards because you're a black christian. The religious right isn't interested in supporting just any christian they will only support white christians. No where near the brotherly love that the christian community preaches. Hypocrites, indeed!

They would rather vote for a white guy who has been hostile to christianity all of his public life.