
With Friends Like These...

Man, I have been looking for my Glock all morning long. I think Misha hid it again. When I find it O is going to bring some serious pain to someone.

Have you checked this shit out? Some completely ridiculous asshole in Tennessee named Fred Hobbs, who claims to be involved with the Democratic party somehow, gave the following quote to a local newspaper about some soft support for me by politicians in Tennessee:
"I'm not sure we know enough about him. He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."
Judas Priest! Is this guy for real? This kind of F Troop insubordination is why the Democrats have been their own worse enemy in national elections. I swear if I find my gat I am gonna bust a cap in this fucking idiot. What the hell is going on in the Volunteer State? Misha keeps telling me I need to find my "calm, still pond" and take a moment to get it together.

Fuck that.

It is hammering time. This is O's party now. You will walk in lockstep unity like the Rethuglicans or you can walk the fuck out. Hillary is still asking me what she can do for me and I think I just might have her 'Vince Foster' this half-wit. Hill does her own wet-work. She's done it before. She'll do it again.

Listen, I know it is hard to shift those biases off and to think about a Black man doing something other than serving you lunch, but this is Our TimeTM and O is about to be the first Black Prezo. Ya'll need to stop hating and get used to it.

I am the new face of America. I am the American Dream, manifest.

O, out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like the democrats of old. Standing around in a circular firing squad! Give them hell, O.