
Ladies and Gentlemen, Barack Obama

The Davids (Axe and Pluff) and I are launching a new round of ads designed to introduce me to the American people. Moneypenny assures me we can run them forever.

The Mummy has been so busy running from fundraiser to fundraiser, in a futile attempt to match the bottomless money machine I like to call the O Nation, that he failed to leverage the time during which Hill and I were dusting it up to define me. Most polls show that many people just don't know me yet. They've left me a huge opening.

Well here you are future Obamamaniacs, O uncut and in his own humble words:

Sweet, right? Feel free to watch it again. I'll wait.

We are running the ads in heavy rotation in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia. When's the last time a Dem ran hard in some of those states?

You can almost smell the fear coming from the Mummy's campaign, can't you? Oh, the joy! The O Revolution will change the American political map forever. And all of this will happen because of you, my lovelies.

Asante sana, for your devotion, passion and your mad loot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice video. You should run it nationwide for a week just to shut up all of the bogus emails out there. Then focus back on expanding the map.
