Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin laughs as cancer survivor Senator Lyda Green of the Alaska State Senate is called a "bitch" and a "cancer" on "The Bob and Mark Show", a radio show on KWHL in Alaska. Palin was very aware of fellow Republican Green's battle with cancer.
If she can't stand up to radio talk show hosts how can she be expected to stand up to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Scrubbing Sarah Palin
I am not certain how much vetting of Gov. Palin took place before the announcement that the Mummy selected her as his running mate, but it seems like a lot of clean up is taking place now. I wrote earlier about how a press release from her office praising my energy plan has vanished from her site. Now comes word that a video is missing that was previously there.
This one.
Yes, that is disgraced and indicted lawmaker Sen. Ted Stevens endorsing Sexy Sarah.
There is also the Troopergate issue hanging over her head back home. Related to this she hired a know sexual harasser to replace the guy she fired for not doing her wet work. I am not going to even get into the question of whether her last child is actually hers or that of her 16 year old daughter as is being whispered on the inter-tubes. And she, or someone in her family, allegedly scrubbed her wikipedia entry to make it sound more positive and palatable to the wingnuts.
Republicans should be more than a little nervous about this pick blowing up in their faces.
Welcome to the bigs, Sarah Palin.
Crazy Fucking Nuts,
John McCain,
Sexy sarah
Obama: The Movie
O wanted to post this in case y'all missed it last night. This flik was done, I was told, by both Spielberg and Scorsese and was written by Paul Haggis and George Lucas. If you look closely you can spot cameos of Denzel, Pacino and Kira Knightly. It is a sweeping post-modern epic. Enjoy, young ones. My eyes make water when I see a thing of this beauty.
Make sure all of your friends and family see this. Make it viral, Obamabots.
Make sure all of your friends and family see this. Make it viral, Obamabots.
General Election,
The One
Because Experience Counts
With the sad passing of John McCain's 'lack of experience' argument, of complications related to the selection of Sexy Sarah today, I wanted to share with you another time and place when experience was the buzzword of the day. Enjoy.
Fuck the GOP,
John McCain,
Sexy sarah
Sarah Loves Obama('s Energy Plan)
Seems that Sexy Sarah loved my energy plan earlier this month, but strangely it has disappeared from her website. Asante sana, DailyKos, for searching the inter-tubes for a cached version of her statement.
Love you too, Sarah.
Love you too, Sarah.
Energy Policy,
John McCain,
Sexy sarah
Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska? WTF?
Can you say Hail Mary? McCain really thinks he can peel off female voters with a anti-choice candidate who has less experience than I do? LOL Are you kidding me? He just forfeited every critique he had against me. Given his age, happy 72nd birthday nitwit, he just placed a first term Governor with 2 years experience a heartbeat from the presidency.
By the way, a couple of other things about Gov. Palin: she is hot as hell (look at her in those hot, 'come hither' English teacher glasses, damn) and; she is currently under ethics investigation in Alaska. Nice pick, McCain!
By the way, a couple of other things about Gov. Palin: she is hot as hell (look at her in those hot, 'come hither' English teacher glasses, damn) and; she is currently under ethics investigation in Alaska. Nice pick, McCain!
John McCain,
Sexy sarah
Thy Name is Petty
This is a picture of George W. Bush at the 2004 RNC convention accepting his party's nomination. Please note the Greek Revival columns and raised platform.
Now, empty-headed Rethuglican parrots, shut the fuck up.
Now, empty-headed Rethuglican parrots, shut the fuck up.
Ignorant Assholes,
stupid bastards
Third Night in Denver
Dig if you will the third night of Democrats setting the stage for The One to blow it all away tonight at Mile High Field. Wednesday was a really busy night but if you stuck in there you heard some really powerful rap.
First up, Hill, being a completely class act, moves my nomination to acclamation.
Goose-fucking-bumps! She even brings a tear to my perpetually dry eyes. She is a political animal... and she's on my side. Hmm. Fuck you, McCain.
Then it was The Slick One's turn and he performed only like Big Bill Clinton can. Amazing. I'm not worthy! I study at the feet of the oratorical master. Oh, and did you dig the love the crowd was laying on Mr. Two Term? Nice.
And then came Joe. Dude... he is going to kick Mitten's Sexy Sarah's ass in the debates. He is a blue collar rock star.
And now... tonight... finally... O.
First up, Hill, being a completely class act, moves my nomination to acclamation.
Goose-fucking-bumps! She even brings a tear to my perpetually dry eyes. She is a political animal... and she's on my side. Hmm. Fuck you, McCain.
Then it was The Slick One's turn and he performed only like Big Bill Clinton can. Amazing. I'm not worthy! I study at the feet of the oratorical master. Oh, and did you dig the love the crowd was laying on Mr. Two Term? Nice.
And then came Joe. Dude... he is going to kick Mitten's Sexy Sarah's ass in the debates. He is a blue collar rock star.
And now... tonight... finally... O.
Poles, Pols and Polls
Calm yourselves, young ones. The recent polls being bandied about are not a concern to us. They are national polls and we don't elect presidents nationally in this country. We elect them state by state. And in that measure we are doing fine.
We don't usually let Pluff out of the little dark closet we keep him in but to allay your fears and concerns we allowed him to speak... to other people... about our thinking. Here, read this and find your calm place.
We don't usually let Pluff out of the little dark closet we keep him in but to allay your fears and concerns we allowed him to speak... to other people... about our thinking. Here, read this and find your calm place.
Lettuce Show You Something About McCain
The American worker is so lazy they wouldn't even pick lettuce for $50 per hour, according to John McCain. Really? And people are going to vote for this idiot. Out. Of. Fucking. Touch.
Update: A link to, DailyKos contributor, PaulVA's story. Asante sana, PaulVA for showing us just how much McCain respects the American worker. Much love to you and yours.
Update: A link to, DailyKos contributor, PaulVA's story. Asante sana, PaulVA for showing us just how much McCain respects the American worker. Much love to you and yours.
John McCain,
out of touch,
rich pricks
I Don't Think We're in 2004 Anymore, Toto
Did y'all check out Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer’s speech last night? I lost my bearings momentarily and thought we were suddenly at a BDSM conference 'cause my boi spanked the shit out of McCain.
Now you know why he was on my short list. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
Now you know why he was on my short list. If you missed it, you can check it out here.
Second Night in Denver
Wow... just wow. Hill was in rare form, yo. She was electrifying. I have no beef with that speech... at all. She did exactly what she said she would do and I gotta respect 'ol girl for that. Plus, she was rocking that orange pantsuit, right? What can I say? O loves him some thickness.
Queen of the World
Making a Killing in Denver
You might have heard that some white supremacists outside of Denver were plotting to kill The One.
Knowing this, I am reminded of this exchange in the movie V for Vendetta:
Creedy: Die! Die! Why won't you die?... Why won't you die?
V: Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
Keep that in mind, nutjobs and halfwits. Ideas are bulletproof.
O, Out.
Crazy Fucking Nuts,
King of the World
Logic Takes a Holiday from Denver
O enjoys a little mirth. He laughs. He sometimes chuckles. But this... oh my, this makes O guffaw.
This madhatter is off the fucking chain! Even Chris Matthews was about to punch this scary cross-dresser in the forehead. I love the look he gives her when she first starts spouting her Muslim nonsense. And the 'cleaning out his ears' retort? Real mature, scarecrow.
First Night in Denver
Bad ass first night, yo! O is stoked! Teddy K was fucking amazing and Misha rocked this shit.
It only gets better, young ones. Wait 'til Hill takes the stage. Won't be a dry eye or resting heart in the joint.
Update: Added Micha's intro video below for those who missed it.
Fair and Balanced, Like Hell
My dawgz over at have assembled this hilarious one minute review of FakeNews Channel's recent documentary of me. I laughed so hard my face effen' hurt and I actually drooled all over my VP applications.
Update: Posting video here for your viewing pleasure:
McCain is Out of Touch: The New Narrative
Oh snap! This shit is the gift that keeps on giving, young ones.
God bless you, John Sidney McCain III. You filthy rich, nutty, out of touch, loony bastard.
God bless you, John Sidney McCain III. You filthy rich, nutty, out of touch, loony bastard.
Ignorant Assholes,
John McCain,
rich pricks
McCain Continues to Lie About My Tax Plan
McCain: My friends, Senator Obama will raise the taxes on you folks in the middle class until your nipples bleed and you submit both your will and your children's souls to his false god Allah.
O: Suck my ass, you old senile war-whore!
Washington Post: Shut your lying pie hole, Sen. McCain.
O: Suck my ass, you old senile war-whore!
Washington Post: Shut your lying pie hole, Sen. McCain.
Borrow and Spend,
Meet John "House Keys" McCain, Average American
This is like manna from heaven...
John McCain,
out of touch,
rich pricks
Net Worth Death Match: Obama vs. McCain
This just seems so much more relevant in light of current events, yes?
It seems that earlier this year a non-partisan group called the Sunlight Foundation completed an analysis of all 535 members of congress and dimed out the following 411:
As Mark Nickolas, of, writes:
One of the clumsy arguments that the McCain camp tried to make today in hopes of slowing down the media freight train over not knowing how many homes he and his wife, Cindy, own was that Barack Obama (D) is also a rich guy who lives in a mansion himself, just like McCain. I believe the term they used was "a frickin' mansion."
Well, there's just one problem with that argument. These guys aren't even in the same class.
Asante sana, Mark for brutally shoving what should be the last stake in the heart of the Old Party narrative that O is an out of touch elitist. Much love to you and yours.
Hannity Has a Man Crush on McCain
Oh, snap! Asante sana, Alan Colmes. Much love to you and yours for taking Yawn Hannity to task for being a fat-faced partisan dick head who simply hates Democrats and has no interest in examining the character of the people he likes.
As if being a POW makes any difference in this conversation. What an ignorant fuck!
double standards,
Ignorant Assholes,
stupid bastards
Barack's Holiday Adventure
Greetings, O Nation. Well, after a well-deserved holiday I am about to climb back in the game. I feel relaxed, refreshed and focused on opening a huge can of whoop-ass on the Mummy.
First official bit on the schedule is Saturday's jawboning with Pastor Rick Warren. That'll be nice. I get to talk to some fish folks who ain't hate'n on a brutha.
By the way, did you know that the Christian PAC, Matthew 25 Network, has just released its first ad on my behalf? Hella cool. It will play during the chat with R-Dub at his Saddleback Church.
You can check it out below.
Dawgs... there is nowhere for the Old Party to hide this election cycle. I am coming at them from everywhere.
Hot Chicks Dig Obama
I know I'm still on holiday but... the LA Times has an article about the Mummy's latest attempt at making himself a completely irrelevant laughing stock. The stunt in question is yet another ad about my celebrity status. This one is called Hot Chicks Dig Obama. LOL Really. I'm not making this up, yo.
From the Times:
Dude, this shit is off the hook! Next will come stinging insults about how my penis is only 10" long, or that my IQ is only 160, or that I only have two Grammy awards. Ouch! ROTFL!! How ridiculous can this tiny little man get? He is now like the guy who told a joke that everyone laughed at and now he can't stop himself from retelling the same joke hoping that people still like him enough to laugh again... and again... and again. Crazy, right?
Envy much? Much too much.
From the Times:
Most controversially, the spot features one young woman complimenting Obama's "aura," and a second young woman singling out his "very soft eyes" for praise. And then there's a fellow saying of the 47-year-old U.S. senator and father of two who defied long odds to emerge as one of the two main contenders for the most powerful office in the world: "Hot chicks dig Obama."I love this shit. Honestly. We are now firmly ensconced in a bizarro world of school-boy penis envy by a seriously disturbed old man running for the most powerful office on earth. Someone who cares about your Very Serious Problems so much that he spends his time and your money on joke and humor ads. Isn't there a recession going on somewhere? I forget.
Dude, this shit is off the hook! Next will come stinging insults about how my penis is only 10" long, or that my IQ is only 160, or that I only have two Grammy awards. Ouch! ROTFL!! How ridiculous can this tiny little man get? He is now like the guy who told a joke that everyone laughed at and now he can't stop himself from retelling the same joke hoping that people still like him enough to laugh again... and again... and again. Crazy, right?
Envy much? Much too much.
Suck it Crusty the Clown
I am still chill'n in Hawai'i and loving hanging with the family but I got to thinking about this whole "Obama is a celebrity" shit that has been going down for a bit now. The liberal press has been eating this spoon-fed bullshit for a bit now but I know you folks ain't feel'n this shit.
So I pick up my iPhone and I am checking out Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and see this bullshit. And I'm the celebrity?
So I had Axe make this...
Suck on this John Sidney McCain III, you lying fart.
So I pick up my iPhone and I am checking out Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and see this bullshit. And I'm the celebrity?
So I had Axe make this...
Suck on this John Sidney McCain III, you lying fart.
Attack of the Attack Attacks
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Dirty, stinking liars. Remember when The Mummy was a principled man?
Dirty, stinking liars. Remember when The Mummy was a principled man?
Still on Vacation
Yo, boyz... O is still on holiday and digging the chill'n.
I heard that someone invaded Georgia. Ain't that a bitch? I told Axe to let me know when they reach Atlanta.
O, out.
I heard that someone invaded Georgia. Ain't that a bitch? I told Axe to let me know when they reach Atlanta.
O, out.
Disabled Veterans Convention Speech
I was unable to attend this convention but I made damn sure I was showing love for the vets. O loves him some vets. My grandfather fought with Patton in WWII.
Check out the message I sent along for my warrior peeps.
Check out the message I sent along for my warrior peeps.
John Edwards Admits Mistake
Nah, dawg!? O's heart goes out to a brutha. May you and your family use these next few days to heal. Read the release here. Damn.
People O Hates: Hannity
Sean "Yawn" Hannity is a fat-faced, dirty fuck who has been a well-known and reliable sympathizer of white supremacy causes on his show and who now has the nuts to say that I can't point to one incident of the Rethuglicans making an issue of my race. WTF!??
You're right stupid, dirty liar... I can point to many. My homies over at Media Matters for America got my back.
Asante sana, MMFA. Much love to you and yours for shoving your research weenie in Sean Hannity's chubby face. Gobble up, Hannity.
UPDATE: Yawn is the gift that keeps on giving. Check out this additional example.
You're right stupid, dirty liar... I can point to many. My homies over at Media Matters for America got my back.
Asante sana, MMFA. Much love to you and yours for shoving your research weenie in Sean Hannity's chubby face. Gobble up, Hannity.
UPDATE: Yawn is the gift that keeps on giving. Check out this additional example.
Good and Pawlenty
Ouch. As reported by Frederic Frommer at Huffpost:
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, often mentioned as a possible running mate for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said Wednesday GOP candidates would do well to adopt a positive tone like that of McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama.
Word, Tim Pawlenty. We hardly got to know you.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, often mentioned as a possible running mate for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said Wednesday GOP candidates would do well to adopt a positive tone like that of McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama.
Negative and scornful? Pretty much just like McCain, in his desperation to be Prezo, has allowed his pathetic self to become. Now there's some straight talk for your ass."Say what you will about Barack Obama," the Minnesota Republican told a conservative group, "people gravitate when you have something positive to say." He added that McCain has been positive as well.
"People want to follow hopeful, optimistic, civil, decent leaders," Pawlenty said in a speech to GOPAC, which helps recruit Republican candidates. "They don't want to follow some negative, scornful person."
Word, Tim Pawlenty. We hardly got to know you.
Excuse Me, Your Narrative is Showing
Pssssst.... contrary to the liberal media's narrative, designed to keep you turning to their newscasts, I am still kicking the Mummy's short, wrinked, white ass in the only poll that counts: the electoral college.
Spanking that ass, baby.
Spanking that ass, baby.
Happy Birthday to Me
Yes, sweet ones, it is O's birthday today. Sing happy birthday to me when you get a moment.
Does This Say More About McCain Than Me?
I might have to get a restraining order against the Mummy 'cause this childish muthafucker is obsessed with O. This is completely off the fucking chain weird.
I don't even know how to respond to that level of craziness. Wow. I'm speechless.
I don't even know how to respond to that level of craziness. Wow. I'm speechless.
Crazy Fucking Nuts,
The One
1968 All Over Again
Just between you and me... I don't think John McCain is a racist... he is just hoping you are. There, I said it. Fuck him.
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