Smarty Pants Black Man
My favorite recollection of Rovehole is when he claimed that the GOP wouldn't lose seats in the 2006 midterms, even though all of the numbers everyone else was running indicated otherwise. His response to a question challenging his over-confident assertions was that while the interviewer had access to some math, Rovehole claimed he had access to "THE math." We know how that turned out for the architect. Stupid piece of shit.
Anypop, Rovehole gave a pep talk to some of the downtrodden white-wingers in Congress and finalized the main talking points against me for this election year. He tells them that he finds me "cooly arrogant." That's the refrain you'll hear from all of the Republitrons from now to November.
This, of course, is coded historical messaging. What he means is that O is an uppity nigger. This resonates with angry, small-minded, white ultra-conservatives. The Urban Dictionary defines uppity nigger as "An out of place black person who is out of line and thinks they are as good as or better than the white person they are standing next to." Rosa Parks was called uppity. As were Martin and Malcolm.
You see it isn't just that O is a Democrat or that O is Black. It comes down to him being an uppity nigger who doesn't know his place and has the nuts to think he is as good or better than a white person. If I were a white candidate I would be called confident, strong or smart. It would all be considered the exhibition of leadership qualities. Since I am Black... I am arrogant. Cooly arrogant.
This won't play with Independents, but they'll try. Rovehole is a fat fucking racist rube.
The Price of Peace
And yet her supporters still think she is more qualified to be Prezo than I am. Interesting, right? Yawn.
Activist Judges
For those unaware of the exact phrasing of the Second Amendment:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”The majority's asinine and activist ruling:
“The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”Unconnected with service in a militia? WTF? Yeah, let's just throw out the words we don't like or that stand to confuse a simple populace or that stand in the way of some twitchy, sweaty fuck in Idaho owning as many guns as Norway.
If one takes the time to read the Federalist Papers, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay as a defense of the U.S. Constitution in the run up to its ratification, you'll find that the word militia occurs nine (9) times. Each of those times it is in the context of a National Guard or citizen force.
I am sure we won't hear screams of anguish from the right about justices reading into the Constitution interpretations that comport with their prevailing political beliefs on this one.
One more example of the fucking hypocritical right. God, O needs to be Prezo now. This is getting out of hand.
Let's Get Ready to Rumble!
Anypop, he didn't like that I pointed out the obvious in that you can't base public policy on biblical passages. Not that you can't have moral beliefs that are anchored in religion that then inform your politics. O's religion informs his politics. I would reserve nothing less for the rest of the O Nation.
Here is what I said: "Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal rather than religion-specific values. It requires their proposals be subject to argument and amenable to reason."
Here is what the Time-challenged Dark One heard: "What the senator is saying there, in essence, is that 'I can't seek to pass legislation, for example, that bans partial-birth abortion, because there are people in the culture who don't see that as a moral issue, and if I can't get everyone to agree with me, than it is undemocratic to try to pass legislation that I find offensive to the Scripture. Now, that is a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution."
God, I love that level of insanity. It is so pure, so clean, so complete. It is simply breathtaking in its absurdity.
No prob, my boy Jim Wallis has got O's back, big time. Let it fly, Jay Dub:
First, Dobson and Minnery's language is simply inappropriate for religious leaders to use in an already divisive political environment. We can agree or disagree on both biblical and political viewpoints, but our language should be respectful and civil, not attacking motives and beliefs.Blam!
Kaboom ! That sound you just heard, Obamabots, was a literary nuclear explosion. Asante sana, Jim. Much love to you and yours.Contrary to Dobson's charge, Obama was very strong in defending the right and necessity of people of faith bringing their moral agenda to the public square, and was specifically critical of many on the left and in his own Democratic Party for being uncomfortable with religion in politics.
Obama said that religion is and has always been a fundamental and absolutely essential source of morality for the nation, but also said that "religion has no monopoly on morality," which is a point that I often make. The United States is not the Christian theocracy that people like James Dobson seem to think it should be. Political appeals, even if rooted in religious convictions, must be argued on moral grounds rather than as sectarian religious demands--so that the people (citizens), whether religious or not, may have the capacity to hear and respond. Religious convictions must be translated into moral arguments, which must win the political debate if they are to be implemented. Religious people don't get to win just because they are religious. They, like any other citizens, have to convince their fellow citizens that what they propose is best for the common good-- for all of us and not just for the religious.
A Skankicon Making Lemonade
Some skankicon named Salena Zito, who is solely responsible for the fantastic choices in her life that led to her working at the renowned Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, sees nothing but good news for the Mummy in the latest Newsweek poll that has me opening up a lead on him.
In a post titled "Shades of Dukakis, Obama Up 15," Zito uses the crystal ball she has (I wonder where this ball was on Sept. 10, 2001?) to let you know that a lead, especially a big lead, is a sure sign of future political Apocalypse. Says she:
"In May of 1988 after all of the Democratic primaries ended presumptive nominee Michael Dukakis enjoyed a 54 to 38 percent lead over then Ronald Reagan wing man George H.W. Bush.By the way, who the fuck still uses the term "wing man?" That is so fucking 80s, which explains where Ms Zito's head is, when it isn't firmly planted in what I can only assume is her large and misshaped NeoCon ass.H.W. went on to win in that November handily
This evening a new Newsweek poll shows Obama having a giant lead, from 51 percent to 36 percent, over McCain among registered voters across the country.
Obama got his bounce, Dukakis style."
Yet one more ignorant fuck trying to wring lemonade out of the mountains of fucking lemons I'm about to peel off for the NeoCon pricks who have screwed up this country to the point it is in now.
Yes, Ms Zito, I am shaking in my boots. I was hoping to be behind in every poll taken between now and the election. That's the safest place to be in an election... behind.
Jeez... what a stupid fuck.
Angry Black Woman
A tasty tidbit:
"I’ve notice something. No one seems to seems to question whether the angry white men that swept Newt Gingrich and the Republican majority into power in 1994 were justified in their anger. It’ assumed that whatever they’re angry about they have a right to be angry about."
"But not so for the so called 'angry black women.' Their anger is somehow less 'real' and less justified. Perhaps that that’s because being angry is a privilege in this culture. Anger, if you are a minority, is dangerous. If you are a woman, or a person of color, gay, etc., your movements must be calm, your voice must be modulated, and your anger must ever show."
Do yourself a solid, Obamabots, jet over to T's and read the complete essay. It is a mind-opening piece of work. I would expect nothing less of this brotha.
Asante sana, Terrance, for coming to the defense of Misha. Much love to you and yours.
Of Norris, Tebow and Obama
Asante sana, to Christopher Beam of Salon for giving O the Tim Tebow/Chuck Norris treatment. This list made O laugh until he wet himself. Much love to you and yours, Christopher.
Barack Obama says the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE every time he sees an American flag. He also ends every sentence by saying, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." Click here for video of Obama quietly mouthing the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in his sleep.
A tape exists of Michelle Obama saying the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at a conference on PATRIOTISM.
Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING.
Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower.
Barack Obama is a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He has one HAND over his HEART at all times. He occasionally switches when one arm gets tired, which is almost never because he is STRONG.
Barack Obama has the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tattooed on his stomach. It's upside-down, so he can read it while doing sit-ups.
There's only one artist on Barack Obama's iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.
Barack Obama is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. His favorite book is the BIBLE, which he has memorized. His name means HE WHO LOVES JESUS in the ancient language of Aramaic. He is PROUD that Jesus was an American.
Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. He goes to church every evening. He is IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW.
Barack Obama's new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH.
Barack Obama's skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL.
Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.
Obamabots, follow Christopher's suggestion and send the email on his site around to everyone in your address book who ever sent you penis enlargement emails. Unrestrained spamming and your hard work will get us to the Promised Land.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Barack Obama
The Mummy has been so busy running from fundraiser to fundraiser, in a futile attempt to match the bottomless money machine I like to call the O Nation, that he failed to leverage the time during which Hill and I were dusting it up to define me. Most polls show that many people just don't know me yet. They've left me a huge opening.
Well here you are future Obamamaniacs, O uncut and in his own humble words:
Sweet, right? Feel free to watch it again. I'll wait.
We are running the ads in heavy rotation in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia. When's the last time a Dem ran hard in some of those states?
You can almost smell the fear coming from the Mummy's campaign, can't you? Oh, the joy! The O Revolution will change the American political map forever. And all of this will happen because of you, my lovelies.
Asante sana, for your devotion, passion and your mad loot.
And I'm the Extremist?
"I would much rather have a policy where if we see Obama, there's a shoot-on-sight order."
Wow. If I or Misha said some nasty shit like that about McCain, or even just talked about his ancient ass suffering a heart attack, we'd be pilloried in the liberal media. And this isn't the first time one of these Bats have alluded to this sick shit.
You see, Obamabots, it isn't just us versus the Rethuglicans, it is us versus corporate-owned media that knows that a Mummy win continues the current nut-sack smooching of Wall Street types that has been occurring for the last 8 years. And a win by us, the people, means that Main Streets everywhere win.
Keep working hard, young ones. Our time is near. These weak bitches don't scare O.
White Evangelicals Don't Color Between the Lines
"A Washington Post-ABC News poll released this week found McCain collecting about 68 percent of the white evangelical vote, compared to Barack Obama's 22 percent. That number is very similar to level of support President Bush received in June 2004, when he led then Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry 65 to 30 among white evangelicals."
"I see the Obama Haters are out in full force today......Dukes of Hazzard must be off......"
Enter the Godfather
Mr. McCain... Your Pants are on Fire
All you Mummy sycophants can hate the messenger all you want, but these are your boy's own words. What say thee, asshats?
Asante sana, BarbinMD for bringing this priceless example of Straight Talk to O's attention.
With Friends Like These...
Have you checked this shit out? Some completely ridiculous asshole in Tennessee named Fred Hobbs, who claims to be involved with the Democratic party somehow, gave the following quote to a local newspaper about some soft support for me by politicians in Tennessee:
"I'm not sure we know enough about him. He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."Judas Priest! Is this guy for real? This kind of F Troop insubordination is why the Democrats have been their own worse enemy in national elections. I swear if I find my gat I am gonna bust a cap in this fucking idiot. What the hell is going on in the Volunteer State? Misha keeps telling me I need to find my "calm, still pond" and take a moment to get it together.
Fuck that.
It is hammering time. This is O's party now. You will walk in lockstep unity like the Rethuglicans or you can walk the fuck out. Hillary is still asking me what she can do for me and I think I just might have her 'Vince Foster' this half-wit. Hill does her own wet-work. She's done it before. She'll do it again.
Listen, I know it is hard to shift those biases off and to think about a Black man doing something other than serving you lunch, but this is Our TimeTM and O is about to be the first Black Prezo. Ya'll need to stop hating and get used to it.
I am the new face of America. I am the American Dream, manifest.
O, out.
Well-cooked Rice
I will evict all those Israelis from their dusty worthless shanties. And then we will have peace for all times. Just watch. Sometimes it is just that easy.
By the way, as much as I detest her ideology -- and O does detest it -- I feel like I need to give girl a shout out on the thickness. Yummy.
Happy Father's Day
To the rest of you irresponsible pricks out there who confuse sharing sperm with fatherhood I have something for you too. Do humankind a favor and wear a condom, worthless asshats.
Money quote from my speech: "we need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception.” Baby, that's good shit.
You see, white people can't say this shit without coming off as racists or Sean Hannity. It's all about context, tone and delivery. Plus, Black folks have had enough of white folks telling us how to behave regardless of whether those comments have any validity.
How's that for a Sister Souljah moment?
Damn, I am a political animal!
FakeNews Channel
I Heart Keith
Context my ass! Rock that shit, son.
50 States and No Prisoners
I am proud to announce that our presidential campaign will be the first in a generation to deploy and maintain staff in every single state.Yeah... all the bastards in the old wrinkled white man party just soiled themselves. It had been so much easier for them to win national elections, since Nixon's racist Southern Strategy, when nutless Dems ceded entire sections of the country to these mental midgets.
Not anymore. The tide is turning and soon the Bats will be a marginalized regional party. I am coming for you, Republibats! And O is taking no prisoners.
Lying Liars
Now Obamabots can respond in kind to inconsiderately stupid asshats that have the temerity to forward you some of this filth. Just go here and help us set the record straight.
If someone sends you something saying that my left nut has a tat of the Great Satan on it... well, that one isn't debunked yet but you get the idea.
The truth shall set them free, Obamabots!
20 Names, Really
That's kinda bullshit.
I already know who it is. We are just working out some timing details and the such. You'll be blown away when I finally tell you. It is genius. Absolutely something only I would think of. Wow. This choice is so out of the box it just freaks me out thinking about it.
The world will be amazed.
Cool as the Other Side of the Pillow
Things That Go Bump...
I almost feel sorry for him.
Somewhere in the South
Anypop, I have been trying to figure out why I can't wipe this shit-eating grin off my face this week and I think I've figured it out. It isn't just that I beat Hill, it's that I whooped the entire DLC. You know them. They are the centrist group of Dems trying hard to act like Republibats. These pricks have taken their lead from The Slick One after he successfully triangulated core GOPee positions after Newt bum-rushed Congress in 1994.
This primary season has been a smack down of all of that cowardice shit. You win elections by contrasting your position against the other party's. Not by trying to be more like them than they are. Fucking wannabes.
This election will present a real choice. Liberal or Conservative? Change or more of the same? Tall and virile or short and Viagra laced? Alive and vibrant or barely conscious? Choose a side, homie. This is going to be quite a ride.
First Salvo
Is it just me or is she stiffer than my O-Rod at a Beyonce concert? Word.
Could You Be More Un-Hip?
Fucking square-ass, white bread, liberal news media! It is amazing I can stand being in the same room as you folks. Misha can't stand you.
Nervous Wreck
Anypop, Apple's WWDC takes place today and I am freaking. I really want a 3G OPhone. Really want one. Really. The one I sport now is cool and all but I can't watch Will.I.Am's amazingly appropriate and unbiased "Yes We Can" over Edge. And my speeches hesitate and stop and start and shit, making me look like the Mummy on his best day.
Jobs hasn't returned my calls either, which kinda pisses me off. I just want to be the first to get one, man. You know, before the truly uncool masses start showing up at bowling alleys with them. I might have to slap his vegan ass.
Sigh! O, out.
Unity Shmunity
Of course they fucking will.
In 2000 a full 51% of McCain supporters stated they wouldn't vote for Dum W in the general election. As we now know they all fell into line to smooch on his sack and push him over the top for his first general election win.
Real Dems ain't gonna vote for the Mummy who would roll back Rowe v. Wade, appoint more Scalias and (Uncle) Thomases to the Supremes, open up ANWR to drilling, and keep U.S. troops in Iraq for 100 years. Let alone someone who admits they know nothing about the economy.
Dude, I am not sweating this at all.
It's the Economy, Stupid
Assclown. This election will be all about folks' pockets.
Pockets are getting thin all over and he is talking about some depressing shit half-way around the world. I had Misha start picking out new table settings for the White House when I saw this lame crap. Sasha wants to paint the Resolute Desk the same color yellow as Sponge Bob.
Plus, assclown, Americans don't want a Prezo that can get the nation out of stupid shit... they want a Prezo who has the judgment to keep the nation from getting into stupid shit.
That would be O. Asante sana, Mummy.
Thank You, Hill
Now, let's go kick the Mummy's ass!
Concession, Finally
I was kinda pissed that the many mentions of my name peppered throughout the speech didn't cause the kind of rapturous swooning from her so-called supporters that I easily elicit from my loyal Obamabots during our massive rallies.
We are reviewing the tapes of her speech now to identify the specific non-clapping asshats and are already planning 2009's Internal Revenue audits. Suck that, ingrates.
O, out.
Prison Bitch
A Marxist! Really? The best you can do is to reach back into John McCain late 40s and dredge up a relic like Karl Marx, who most people in the States don't even know?Tom Delay, Indicted Republican: Unless he proves me wrong, [Obama] is a Marxist.
I oughta knock this punk out when I see him. He's gotten me worked up now. Damn, I need a cigarette. My girl, Misha, is gonna kill me if she knows I'm smoking again. Good thing my peeps over at the Kos have got my back.
Hunter, Blogger: Unless he proves me wrong, Tom Delay lures children into his van with candy, gasses them to death with bug spray, and uses their powdered bones as an aphrodisiac when making love to all the animals at the San Antonio Sea World.Asante sana, Hunter for undressing this bitch for me.
I Fucking Win
Regardless, I fucking won!!
Yeah, I'm pretty stoked. I am really close to being the Prezo, which is cool don't get me wrong, but I am more excited about sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom. That fucking moron Bush said no when I asked him about it last year so I decided to run for Prezo myself. I can't stand that idiot. Watch the set in January and you'll see me flip his ass off.
Afterwards I'm headed upstairs to drop my royal ass on Abe's bed.
O, out.